



公告信息 公告标题: 上海科技大学质谱仪国际公开招标公告 开始时间: 2017-10-13 17:30:40 截止时间: 2017-10-17 17:30:41 开标时间: 2017-10-10 09:30:02 采购目录: 招标项目编号: 1639-174111210420/02 代理机构名称: 上海市机械设备成套(集团)有限公司 采购单位名称: 上海科技大学 撰写人: 张洁玮 主题内容: 上海市机械设备成套(集团)有限公司(以下简称:招标机构)受上海科技大学(以下简称:招标人)委托,对下述货物进行国际公开竞争性招标,我们竭诚欢迎合格投标人参加投标。/Shanghai Machiner.Complete Equipment(Group)Co.,LTD(hereinafter called the Tendering Agent ), authorized and on behalf of Shanghai tech University(hereinafter called the Tenderee ), We cordially welcome eligible bidders for the supply of following goods by way of International Competitive Bidding. 招标条件 / Bidding Conditions项目概况/Project Overview:上海科技大学拟采购质谱仪。ShanghaiTech University plans to purchase a Mass spectrometer.现招标人资金已到位,具备了招标条件。/Now Funds have been put in place, the Project is with the bidding conditions. 2、招标内容预算编号:17-41910招标编号/ Bid No.:1639-174111210420/02招标项目名称:质谱仪。 / Project Name:Mass spectrometer。项目实施地点:上海科技大学。/Place of Implementation:Shanghai Tech University.招标产品清单 / List of Products: 序号/ No. 货物名称/ Name of the goods 数量/Quantity 简要技术规格 /Main Technical Data * 交货期 / Delivery schedule 1 质谱仪 预算金额:390万元人民币 1套 *1.3定量分析灵敏度(MRM模式):ESI离子源,1 pg利血平(Reserpine)柱上进样,信噪比S/N 510000:1。 收到信用证后3个月内到上海科技大学。(空运)/ CIP ShanghaiTech University within three months after receiving the L/C. 投标人资格要求 /Qualification Requirements For Bidder:1) 具有独立的法人资格,相应的经营范围。投标方应具有正规注册的办事处、维修站及零备件保税库。在中国境内应有专门负责的经验丰富的维修工程师和专门的技术应用支持工程师。1) With independent legal person qualification, the corresponding business scope. Bidders should have formal registration office, repair and spare parts bonded library. Within the territory of China shall be responsible for the experienced maintenance engineers and specialized technical application support engineer.2)必须提供所投产品的生产商针对本次招标项目出具的独家授权书;制造商或者代理商至少有三年从事类似货物生产和销售的经验。2) must provide the cast product exclusive authorization letter issued by the producer for the project subject to tender; Manufacturers or the agents must have at least three years experience in the similar goods production.3) 投标人提供的投标机型应是原产地的全新产品;3) Provide bidders bidding models should be the origin of new products;4)本项目预算为390万元。(项目预算包含设备交付使用前的一切相关费用,投标单位的投标报价须充分考虑包括设备本身费用以及相伴随的外贸进口等费用,同时须充分考虑汇率波动风险等可能导致超预算的因素)。4)The budget of the project is RMB 3.9 millions only.Project budget contains all the costs associated with the equipment before delivery, the tenderer's tender offer shall give full consideration to include the device itself cost and accompanied by the foreign trade import cost, at the s... 查看详情

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