



投标邀请Invitation for Bs发标日期:2016年6月20日Date:On June 20, 2016 招标编号:1420-164YZTCGJ011IFB No. :1420-164YZTCGJ0111)黑龙江远洲招投标代理有限公司受业主委托,邀请合格投标人就东北农业大学荧光定量PCR仪等设备采购及服务项目的下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标:Heilongjiang s n bding agency co., LTD.,authorized by the owner, qualified bders are invited to the northeastagricultural university, fluorescence quantitative PCR instrument equipmentprocurement and services such as the following goods and related services tosubmit sealed bs: 招标货物名称、数量、主要技术参数、交货时间及交货地点Name of equipment, quantity, main technicalspecification, goods delivery time and delivery place招标货物名称BdingEquipment Name数量Quantity主要技术参数Main technical parameters交货时间Delivering time荧光定量PCR仪(进口)Fluorescence quantitative PCR (import) 1台1Set*1.模块可升级使用2μl反应体系的微流体芯片类模块,用于大量种质鉴定或筛选;*1.Modules can be upgraded to use 2 mu l reaction system of microfluic chip and module, used to a lot of germplasm entification and screening;*2.最高升温速率:≥6°C/秒,最高降温速率:≥6°C/秒;*2. The maximum heating rate: 6 ° C/second or greater, maximum cooling rate: 6 ° C/second or higher; *3.具有原厂提供的防系统误差校正方法可供用户选择;*3. The prevention system with original factory to prove error correction method for users to choose; *4.数据采集模式:所有反应孔同时采集荧光数据,采集信号无时间差。激发及检测时光路不移动;*4. The data acquisition mode: all reaction hole fluorescent data at the same time, the collected signal without time lag. Excitation and detection time road does not move; *5.相对定量精密度:≤1.5倍拷贝数差异,置信度≥99.7%;*5. The relative quantitative precision: 1.5 times or less copy number difference, confence level 99.7% or more; *6.仪器控制:内置控制器通过触摸面板进行操作,可以直接本机控制而无需通过电脑。容量≥100次实验数据等。*6. The instrument control: built-in controller through the touch panel operation, can direct the machine without controlled by computer. A capacity of 100 times or more experiment data;其他参数见第八章See chapter 8 of the other parameters 自合同签订之日起90日历天Since ninety days from the date of signing of the contract 超高效液相色谱仪(进口)Ultra high performance liqu chromatograph (import) 1台1Set*1.流量:0.010~2.000mL/min,以0.001mL/min 为增量;*1. Traffic: 0.010 ~ 2.000 mL/min, with 0.001 mL/min for incremental; *2.)最大操作压力:≥15,000psi;*2.) the maximum operating pressure: 15000 psi or higher; *3.梯度准确度:±0.5%;*3. The accuracy of gradient: + / - 0.5%;*4.温度范围:室温以下10℃~90℃,增量:0.1℃,可升温、可降温;*4. The temperature ranges: at room temperature under 10 ℃~ 90 ℃, the incremental: 0.1 ℃, temperature, and cooling; *5.最大采样速度:100Hz;*5. Maximum sampling speed: 100 hz; *6.激发波长:200~800 nm等*6. Excitation wavelength: 200 ~ 800 nm;其他参数见第八章See chapter 8 of the other parameters生化自动工作站(进口)Automatic biochemical workstation (import)1台1Set*1.设计方式:全开放式设计,不接受封闭试剂*1. The design way all open design, do not accept sealing reagent *2.吸光度线性:≥3.0A;*2. The absorbance linear: acuity 3.0 A; *3.控温方式:循环恒温水浴;*3. The method of temperature control: circulation constant temperature water bath*4.最多加入试剂:≥3种;等*4. Most join reagents: three or more;其他参数见第八章See chapter 8 of the other parameters 2) 有意向的合格投标人可从黑龙江远洲招投标代理有限公司得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。Eligiblebders interested may obtain further information from and explore the bdingdocuments at the office of the tenderingagent.3)有意向的投标人可以从2016年6月20日至2016年6月24日每天(节假日除外) 上午9时至11时00分,下午2时00分至4时(北京时间)在黑龙江远洲招投标代理有限公司购买招标文件,报名时须携带营业执照(附投标人在法定时限内公示2014年度报告的网上打印页,http://gsxt.saic.gov.cn/)、税务登记证、组织机构代码证、开户银行许可证、法人授权委托书、被授权人身份证(被授权人提供交纳社保证明)、投标单位近三年内无犯罪行贿记录、生产企业须提供生产资格证明文件,代理商、经销商须具备生产厂家出具的针对本项目的授权书或经销协... 查看详情

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