



( 高水平大学共享平台购全谱段多功能微纳成像仪 )需求公示 项目名称 全谱段多功能微纳成像仪 是否预选项目 否 采购人名称 深圳大学 采购方式 非协议采购 财政预算限额(元) 11150000 项目背景 采购单位(使用方) 光电工程学院 资金来源 高水平大学大型仪器设备共享平台项目 项目预算 1115万 设备主要用途: 该 全谱段多功能微纳成像仪 将作为学校共享平台建设的一部分,拟构建一套集单光子共聚焦显微成像功能、双光子荧光显微成像功能、超分辨荧光显微成像功能和荧光寿命显微成像功能于一体的多功能显微成像系统,可覆盖从可见光到近红外的全谱段成像与分析,成像的横向分辨率可达到50nm,纵向分辨率可达到130nm,可实现视频级(28fps)实时成像,建成后可广泛应用于光学、材料科学、化学以及生物医学、纳米医学等多个领域,服务于我校光电工程学院、材料学院、化工学院、医学院、生命科学学院、物理科学与技术学院等相关学院,以及校外相关领域的企事业单位。 投标人资质要求 1)投标人”系指响应采购文件要求、参加本次招标采购的供应商。 (1) 投标人必须是来自中华人民共和国或是与中华人民共和国有正常贸易往来的国家或地区(以下简称“合格来源国/地区”)的法人或其他组织,在法律上和财务上独立、合法运作并独立于招标人和招标机构,具有相关经营范围,有资格和能力提供本采购项目的货物及服务的制造商或代理商(或经销商)。须提供营业执照或企业注册证明复印件(经营范围必须涵盖本次招标货物,加盖公章)。深圳大学是科教仪器设备减免税单位,如果是境外供货,投标人应有境外供货与外币结算资格或者是取得了境外供货贸易商的投标授权。 若投标人按照合同提供的货物不是投标人自己制造的,投标人应得到货物制造商同意其在本次投标中提供该货物的正式授权书原件或是合法代理商(若投标人为合法代理商应出具有效代理证明扫描件,制造商除外)。 (2)证明投标人已具备履行合同所需的财务、技术和生产能力的文件。 (3)投标人须提供设备在国内的销售业绩表、合同复印件或中标通知书复印件(表中应列出设备的出厂日期、用户名称、地址、联系人及联系方式等) (4)参与国际招标的投标人必须在中国国际招标网www.chinabidding.com 注册成为会员,具有深圳市政府采购注册供应商资格。 2)参与政府采购项目投标的供应商近三年内无行贿犯罪记录(由采购中心定期向市人民检察院申请对政府采购供应商库中注册有效的供应商进行集中查询,投标文件中无需提供证明材料); 货物清单 序号 采购计划编号 货物名称 数量 单位 备注 财政预算限额(元) 1 PLAN-2016-023001-000002 全谱段多功能微纳成像仪 1.0 套 国际招标 1.115E7 具体技术要求 1.采购货物配置功能要求,各设备的主要技术参数、性能规格: Purchasing instrument configuration and function request, the main technical parameter and function specification: 1)光学显微镜体技术指标: Technical specification of microscope: 1.1 研究级全自动倒置显微镜:闭环调焦系统,重复精度 20nm及自动齐焦系统;具备明场、荧光、微分干涉观察功能。显微镜控制可通过彩色触摸屏、遥控器、机身按钮、共聚焦软件来控制。 Fully automatic inverted microscope: automatic focusing system with close-loop , repeatability 20nm; bright field, fluorescence and DIC observation modes. Microscope can be controlled by color touch screen, remote-control device, stand buttons and confocal software. 1.2显微镜透射光源:LED光源,色温4500K。 Transmitted light source: LED light source, color temperature 4500K 1.3 镜体电动Z轴调焦,步进精度 4nm。 Motorized z focus, step size 4nm. 1.4 电动聚光镜,电动照明光轴,电动调节透射光和荧光的孔径光阑和视场光阑。 Motorized condenser, motorized illumination axis, motorized aperture and field diaphragm of transmitted and fluorescence light 1.5 全自动DIC调节,当改变物镜倍数时,该倍数DIC所需要的起偏器、检偏器、物镜棱镜、聚光镜自动转移到光路中,可直接在成像软件中直接调节棱镜角度,改变DIC浮雕效果。 Fully automatic DIC adjustment, all DIC components including polarizer, analyzer, objective prism and condenser prism will move out lightpath while changing magnification, the angle of objective prism can be adjusted in imaging software to change the effect of DIC. 1.6长寿命荧光光源,120瓦,灯泡寿命长达2000小时,光纤导光,对镜体无热辐射。 Long lifetime fluorescence light source, 120W, longer than 2000 hours, coupled with liquid light guide, no heat transfer to microscope. 1.7 电动6孔荧光滤色块转盘,自动荧光强度管理系统,5档荧光光强调节,5个光强级别分别为100%、55%、30%、17%、10%,12个可调视场光阑,6个顺序大小的矩形光阑,更适合CCD成像,6个顺序大小的圆形光阑,更适合肉眼观察。 6-position fluorescence filter turret, automatic fluorescence intensity management, five-step excitation intensity attenuation with 100%, 55%, 30%, 17%, and 10%, twelve field diaphragms, six rectangles for CCD imaging and six circles for ocular observation. 1.8荧光激发块: Fluorescence cubes: 1.8.1 UV单色滤块:激发340-380nm、阻挡400nm、发射425nm; UV excitation cube: Ex 340-380nm, BS 400nm, Em 425nm; 1.8.2 蓝色激发单色滤块:激发450-490nm、阻挡510nm、发射515nm; Blue excitation cube:Ex 450-490nm, BS 510nm, Em 515nm 1.8.3 绿色激发单色滤块:激发515-560nm、阻挡580nm、发射590nm。 Green excitation cube:Ex 515-560nm, BS 580nm, Em 590nm. 1.9 宽视野双目观察筒,倾角45 ,瞳距调节55-75mm,视场数25mm。 Wide-field binocular tube, a interpupillary distance range 55 75 mm and a viewing angle of 45 , field of view 25 mm. 1.10 宽视野平场目镜10倍,视场数25mm,屈光度可补偿调节。 10x eyepieces with adjustable dioptric lenses, field of view 25 mm 1.11 物镜: Objectives: 1.11.1 10倍数值孔径N.A. 0.4干镜; 10x NA 0.4 dry; 1.11.2 20倍数值孔径N.A. 0.75干镜; 20x NA 0.7 dry;1.11.3 40倍数值孔径N.A. 1.1带校正环水镜,红外复消色差校正; 40x NA 1.1 water, with IR-APO correction; 1.11.4 63倍数值孔径N.A. 1.4共聚焦专用油镜。 63x NA 1.4 Oil; 1.12 xy电动载物台,x-y行程83mm*127mm,通用样品夹,适合直径24-68mm的培养皿,适合长度 120mm的玻片。 xy motorized stage, xy travel range 83mm*127mm,with universal insert, and suitable for petri dishes diameter 24-68mm and slides length 120mm. 1.13 SuperZ高精度小型物台,最大z轴行程范围1.5mm,最小调节步进 0.5nm,可在所有物镜下实现xzy扫描方式,进行快速切面观察。 SuperZ stage, maximal travel range 1.5mm, step size 0.5nm, sectional observation with xzy scanning mode under all magnifications. 2)扫描检测部分技术指标: Scanning detection component specification: 2.1 激光扫描组件与所接显微镜一体化设计,一体化像差及色差校正,以保证高质量,高分辨率成像。软件对硬件的有效控制,使系统有优异的稳定性及可维护性,光纤藕合和镜藕合可接低功率激光器。 Integrative design of laser scanning optics with microscope with chromatic correction to guarantee good quality and high resolution imaging. Hardware can be controlled though software with good stability, lasers with low power can be coupled by optical fiber and mirror. 2.2 能够进行X、Y、Z、T、?(激发光波长)、 a;(发射光波长)、 (旋转角度)、I(光强度)、A(区域)等多维组合扫描,可实现点扫描、线扫描、区域扫描、激发与发射光谱扫描等。可同时进行5个荧光信号外加1个透射光的采集。 Scanning modes including multi-dimension combination between x, y, z, t, ?(excitation wavelength), a;(emission wavelength), (rotation angle), I(Intensity)and A(area), enable point, line, area, excitation emission spectrum scanning. Enable five-channel fluorescence and one-channel transmitted light imaging simultaneously. *2.3 高效率棱镜分光,连续检测荧光波长范围400-800nm,最小发射光光谱带宽5nm,发射光调节步进1nm。 Fluorescence dispersion with high-efficiency prism, spectral ranges 400-800nm, minimal emission detection width 5nm, spectral tuning step size 1nm. 2.4 可见光及红外专用光学扫描部件,波长校正范围400-1300nm。 Dedicated scanning optics for VIS and IR, wavelength correction range 400-1300nm. *2.5 最大扫描视场对角线22mm。 Diagonal of maximal scanning field of view 22mm. 2.6 双扫描系统:同时搭载高分辨率和共振扫描头。 Two scanners systems: high resolution scanner and resonant scanner. 2.6.1 高分辨率扫描头:扫描速度:512*512分辨率 7帧/秒;双向扫描速度 3600线/秒;最大扫描分辨率8192*8192像数点;光学扫描放大0.75X-48X,连续可调; high resolution scanner: scanning speed 7 fps @ 512*512, bi-directional scanning speed 3600 lines per second; maximal scanning format 8192*8192, continuous zoom range 0.75x-48x; *2.6.2共振扫描头:扫描速度:512*512分辨率 28帧/秒;双向扫描速度 16000线/秒;最大扫描分辨率1024*1024;光学扫描放大1.3X-48X,连续可调。 Resonant scanner: scanning speed 28fps @ 512*512, bi-directional scanning speed 16p00 lines per second; maximal scanning format 1024*1024, continuous zoom range 1.3x-48x;2.7 光学硬件扫描旋转200度,旋转步进0.01度,旋转扫描的同时可做DIC扫描。 200 scanning rotation range based on hardware optics, step size 0.01 , enable DIC imaging while scanning rotation. *2.8 内置光谱型荧光检测器5个,每个荧光检测器都可做光谱扫描和成像, 最少有3个检测器为高灵敏度的磷砷化镓--雪崩型二极管混合型HyD检测器,在500nm处量子探测效率达到45%;其中最少有一个HyD检测器需要额外配备外部制冷设备,暗噪音<400cps,可用于SMD FLIM等单分子检测。 Five individual internal spectral fluorescence detectors, enable spectrum scanning and imaging for each detector, at least three highly sensitive GaAsP-APD hybrid detectors, QE 45%@500nm; at least one highly sensitive GaAsP-APD hybrid detectors equipped with external cooling device, dark noise <400cps, enable doing SMD FLIM detection. 2.9 透射光明场检测器:1个PMT检测器。 One PMT detector for transmitted light channel 2.10 多光子外置反射光直接检测器:2个超高灵敏度反射光外置磷砷化镓--雪崩型二极管混合型HyD检测器,量子效率45%@500nm,配备DAPI(460/50)和FITC(525/50)双通道滤色块, TRITC(585/40)和A633(650/50)双通道滤色块。 RLD-NDD detectors for multi-photon imaging: two highly sensitive GaAsP-APD hybrid detectors, QE 45%@500nm, with two-channel filter cubes: DAPI(460/50) FITC(525/50), TRITC(585/40) A633(650/50) 2.11 快速6旋钮控制板,可实现显微镜观察和软件成像之间进行快速切换,可对共聚焦成像常用参数进行快速设置,每个参数具有液晶显示。 Control panel with six knobs, enable fast switch between ocular observation and software imaging, enable various parameters quick setting with LED display. 3)激光部分技术指标: Lasers specification: 3.1 氩离子激光器,总功率65mW,包含458、476、488、496和514nm共5根激光谱线。 Argon laser with total power 65mW, including 458, 476, 488, 496 and 514nm laser lines. 3.2 白光激光器: White light laser: *3.2.1 激发谱线470-670nm自由可调,调节精度1nm; Tuning range 470-670nm, tuning step-size 1nm; 3.2.2 每根激发谱线平均功率1.5mW,激光器脉冲频率80MHz; Average power of each laser line 1.5mW, laser pulsing rate 80MHz; 3.2.3 八通道AOTF调节激光强度,最多可同时发射出8根激发谱线,超过3万亿组激发谱线组合,每根激发谱线的强度均可独立调节,调节精度0.01%; Eight channel AOTF tuning, enable emit 8 laser lines simultaneously, more than 3 trillion combination of laser lines, individual laser intensity tuning, setp size 0.01%; *3.2.4 配备声光调制晶体AOBS分光系统,由声光器件控制,无需镀膜二向色镜和机械切换,最多可以同时分离8根激光谱线,透光率高,在当前激发谱线的 n;5nm处的透光率>70%; Acousto-optical beam splitter (AOBS) without any dichroic and switching movement, up to eight lines can be selected from the spectrum, each line being freely tunable in both color and intensity, high transmission, transmission of fluorescence >70% at n;5nm from each laser line.3.2.5 激发谱线的波长在成像软件中进行调节,也可通过旋钮控制面板进行选取; Wavelength of excitation laser line can be adjusted with software and control panel. 3.2.6 全新Lightgate技术,结合HyD在激发脉冲后延时检测,在470-670nm全范围内,通过非滤片方式完全去除激发光的反射干扰,提高荧光图像反差; New Lightgate function from combination HyD with time delayed detection after pulse allows to improve fluorescence image contrast with non-filter way in the full spectral range from 470-670nm. *3.2.7 具备Lightgate时间门控功能,参数可在软件中进行设置,HyD检测起始和检测结束的时间均可自由调节,检测时间调节范围0-12ns,从时间维度上区分出不同的荧光信号(例如可用于减少反射光、杂散光或自发荧光的干扰); Lightgate parameters can be adjusted in software, time point of beginning and ending of detection can be tuned freely, from 0 to 12ns, enable to separate different fluorescence signals along temporal scale(such as removing reflection, scattering light and auto-fluorescence). 3.2.8 可同时进行激发光和发射光光谱扫描,每个像素点均可同时获得激发和发射光谱曲线; Lambda Square Mapping: full spectral information by excitation and emission correlation from each pixel. 3.2.9 激光器具有Setlight技术,利用主动调节反馈回路来稳定成像过程中的激光能量; Setlight for feedback regulation to stabilize the laser intensity during imaging. 3.2.10 可升级进行FLIM荧光寿命成像和gated STED超高分辨率成像。 Enable being upgrade for FLIM and gated STED imaging. 3.3 红外飞秒脉冲激光器:激光功率 1.6W@900nm,脉冲频率80MHz,可同时发射出2根红外谱线,第一根谱线波长调谐范围680-1300nm,脉宽 120fs,第二根谱线波长固定在1040nm,脉宽 200fs。 IR femtosecond pulse laser: laser power 1.6W@900nm,pulse rate 80MHz, enable emitting two laser lines, one line from 680-1300nm with 120fs pulse width, another line fixed at 1040nm with 200fs pulse width. 4)超分辨显微技术指标: *4.1 真正搭载在激光扫描共焦显微镜上的STED超高分辨率系统,可做光学切片成像,超高分辨率系统可使用共聚焦系统的激光谱线进行成像,采用棱镜分光,发射光光谱范围自由可调,调节步进 1nm。 STED super-resolution microscope truly mounted on confocal laser scanning microscope, enable optical section imaging and utilization of lasers from confocal system, fluorescence dispersion with high-efficiency prism, free tuning of emission spectral range with 1nm step size. *4.2 STED激光器,使用独立的STED专用激光接口;592nm连续激光器,功率 1.5W;660nm连续激光器,功率 1.5W;775nm脉冲激光器,功率 1.5W,脉冲频率80MHz。 STED lasers, coupled with dedicated optical port, 592nm cw laser, power 1.5W; 660nm cw laser, power 1.5W; 775nm pulse laser, power 1.5W, pulse rate 80Mhz. 4.3 具备vortex与z-donut两条独立的光路来调制STED激光能量分布,分别用于提高侧向与纵向分辨率。 Provide vortex and z-donut two lightpaths to modulate STED laser energy distribution ... 查看详情

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