



X射线光谱仪与核磁共振仪招标公告 第五章 投标邀请 Section 5. Invitation for Bids 项目名称:中海石油炼化有限责任公司惠州炼化二期项目 Project Name: CNOOC Oil Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. HUIZHOU REFINING PETROCHEMICALS PROJECT PHASE II 货物名称: 2803单元实验室X射线光谱仪与核磁共振仪 Name of Commodities: X-Ray Spectrograph and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for LAB of 2803 Unit 日期:2016年8月10日 Date: August 10, 2016 招标编号:0704-1640JDCP1434 Bid No.: 0704-1640JDCP1434 1. 中化建国际招标有限责任公司(招标代理机构)受中海石油炼化有限责任公司(招标人)委托,就中海石油炼化有限责任公司惠州炼化二期项目所需部分货物及相关服务进行国际公开招标。现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Tendering Agent”), entrusted by CNOOC Oil Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Tenderee” or “the Purchaser”), intends to purchase the Goods and the relevant services required under the project of CNOOC Oil Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. HUIZHOU REFINING PETROCHEMICALS PROJECT PHASE II with this Invitation for Bids (hereinafter referred to as “IFB”) by International Competitive Bidding. The Bidders are kindly requested to provide the following Goods and services with sealed bids. 序号Item 货物名称 Commodity Name 数量,台 Quantity, Set 1 X射线光谱仪(波长色散X射线荧光光谱仪) X-Ray Spectrograph 1 2 核磁共振仪(台式核磁共振仪) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 1 2. 对投标人的资质/业绩要求: Requirement for Bidder’s qualification and reference: 投标人应为合法注册并续存的公司,代理商投标人应获得制造厂家的直接授权。 Bidder must be a corporation that registered on the law and running on; Agent bidder must got a Letter of Authority by Manufacturer. 投标人(制造商或代理商)应具有2010年至2015年期间签署的至少2个与本次所投X射线波长色散荧光仪或者核磁共振仪相同的销售合同业绩。 Bidder (Manufacture or Agent) shall have at least 2 (Two) sale contract references, signed between year 2010 and 2015, of the same X-Ray Spectrograph or Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as this bid. 3.有兴趣的合格投标人可通过以下方式获取招标文件:2016年8月10日开始至2016年8月17日止(北京时间),在中国海洋石油总公司门户网站(https://buy.cnooc.com.cn).购买招标文件(电子版)。招标文件每套售价为2000元人民币或350美元,售后不退。 The interested and qualified Bidders may obtain the bidding document by following method: through CNOOC’s website (https://buy.cnooc.com.cn) starting from Aug. 10 to Aug. 17 2016 (Beijing time) upon non-refundable payment of RMB 2000.00 or USD 350.00 for each copy (electronic edition), 投标人须在线填写购买招标文件登记表,并在线支付标书款至指定账户(开户名称:中化建国际招标有限责任公司,开户银行:交通银行北京分行和平里支行,人民币账号:110060224018010009667,美元账号:110060224146300007037)。在线支付成功后,系统将向投标人在购买招标文件登记表中填写的电子邮箱发送通知邮件,投标人可通过邮件中的链接自行下载招标文件。 The bidder shall fill in the Bidding Document Purchase Registration Form on line and the payment shall be wired to the designated account (Name of Account: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.; Name of Bank: Hepingli Sub-branch under Communication Bank of Bei... 查看详情

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