
2023-11-25 19:29:13, 麦特绘谱 麦特绘谱生物科技(上海)有限公司


●  客户成果 | 蔡国响团队发表多项结直肠癌侵袭转移相关研究成果

● 客户案例 | NC二连发!代谢组学-代谢流技术助力多发性骨髓瘤研究获新突破(一)

●  客户案例 | NC二连发!代谢组学-代谢流技术助力周文教授团队在多发性骨髓瘤研究中的新突破(二)

●  客户案例 | NC:线粒体复合体Ⅱ组装在扩张型心肌病发生中的重要机制

●  客户案例 | Nat Commun:拟素化修饰调控肿瘤细胞谷氨酰胺吸收和代谢

●  客户案例 | Microbiome :肠源性代谢物3-羟基苯乙酸可改善老年小鼠的生精功能障碍

●  Advanced Science(IF 16.806)| 轻断食促健康奥秘:靶向肝脏线粒体机制

●  客户案例 | CircHMGCS1通过调节IGF信号通路和谷氨酰胺分解促进肝母细胞瘤细胞增殖

●  客户案例 | IF 11:摄入无酒精饮食也能醉酒?自动酿酒综合征临床多组学研究发现几株产乙醇的肠菌

●  客户案例 | 肺癌中果糖代谢通路的促癌新机制

●  客户案例|抑制拟素化修饰改变线粒体形态并重新编程癌细胞的能量代谢

●  客户案例 | 中药篇(三):中药活性成分齐墩果酸抗肿瘤的代谢新机制

●  客户案例 | 中药篇(五):从代谢组学角度探究三七总皂苷联合阿司匹林对心血管疾病的治疗作用

●  客户案例 | 利用代谢组学研究纳米银/金对大鼠肝脏的长期生物效应

●  客户案例|紫杉醇增强灵芝孢子多糖的抗乳腺癌作用:抑制肿瘤代谢,重塑肠道菌群

●  客户案例 | 不同饮食模式对肠道菌群和代谢谱的影响

●  客户案例|基于GC-MS代谢组学研究蒺藜果总皂苷对大鼠缺血性脑中风的保护作用

●  客户案例 | 当毒品戒断遇上代谢组学技术,会有哪些新发现?

●  客户案例 | 代谢组学研究先天性心脏病潜在生物标志物


1. Chem(IF=23.5):Heat transfer and thermoregulation within single cells revealed by transient plasmonic imaging. 2021

2. Science Advances(IF=13.6):Liver cancer heterogeneity modeled by in situ genome editing of hepatocytes. 2022

3. Gut microbes(IF=12.2):Integrative metagenomic and metabolomic analyses reveal gut microbiota-derived multiple hits connected to development of gestational diabetes mellitus in humans. 2022

4. Med Comm(IF=9.9):Erucic acid improves the progress of pregnancy complicated with systemic lupus erythematosus by inhibiting the effector function of CD8+ T cells. 2023

5. Cell Reports(IF=8.8):Cancer cells reprogram to metastatic state through the acquisition of platelet mitochondria. 2023

6. Phytomedicine(IF=7.9):Integrated hepatic single-cell RNA sequencing and untargeted metabolomics reveals the immune and metabolic modulation of Qing-Fei-Pai-Du decoction in mice with coronavirus-induced pneumonia. 2022

7. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety(IF=6.8):Dual effects of zearalenone on aflatoxin B1–induced liver and mammary gland toxicity in pregnant and lactating rats. 2022

8. Biological Procedures Online(IF=6.4):Clinical Prognostic Factors and Integrated Multi-Omics Studies Identify Potential Novel Therapeutic Targets for Pediatric Desmoid Tumor. 2022

9. Journal of Ginseng Research(IF=6.3):Microbiota, co-metabolites, and network pharmacology reveal the alteration of the ginsenoside fraction on inflammatory bowel disease. 2022

10. Cells(IF=6):Multi-Channel Metabolomics Analysis Identifies Novel Metabolite Biomarkers for the Early Detection of Fatty Liver Disease in Dairy Cows. 2022

11. Cancer Cell International(IF=5.8):YY1 promotes pancreatic cancer cell proliferation by enhancing mitochondrial respiration. 2022

12. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology(IF=5.7):Multi-omics reveals specific host metabolism-microbiome associations in intracerebral hemorrhage. 2022

13. Molecular Therapy-Oncolytics(IF=5.7):Oleanolic acid blocks the purine salvage pathway for cancer therapy by inactivating SOD1 and stimulating lysosomal proteolysis. 2021

14. Frontiers in Pharmacology(IF=5.6):Metabolomic Differential Compounds Reflecting the Clinical Efficacy of Polyethylene Glycol Recombinant Human Growth Hormone in the Treatment of Childhood Growth Hormone Deficiency. 2022

15. Frontiers in Pharmacology(IF=5.6):Comparative Analysis of Compatibility Influence on Invigorating Blood Circulation for Combined Use of Panax Notoginseng Saponins and Aspirin Using Metabolomics Approach. 2021





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