IJMS 植物单细胞多组学研究特刊征稿启事

2022-07-15 08:14:07, 星标关注 上海欧易生物医学科技有限公司

任何多细胞生物体本质上都是由不同细胞类型构成的相互作用网络,近年来快速发展的单细胞转录组测序(single-cell RNA sequencing,scRNA-seq)和空间转录组(spatial transcriptomics,ST)技术为我们解析这一网络的深层运作机制提供了无与伦比的洞见与机遇。

除了空间转录组,近年来基于质谱成像技术(Mass Spectrometry Imaging,MSI)发展起来的空间代谢组(Spatial Metabolomics,SM),在新的组学层面上为我们解答生物学问题提供了更丰富的研究手段(

目前,植物单细胞多组学领域研究开展如火如荼。借助欧易生物单细胞多组学服务平台,2020 年 6 月,河南大学孙旭武教授即发表了首篇植物地上部分的单细胞转录组测序文章——《项目文章 | Mol Plant:河南大学孙旭武教授利用 scRNA 测序研究拟南芥气孔细胞发育动态图谱》。

为进一步加强植物单细胞多组学研究领域的交流,促进重要研究成果的快速推广,应国际著名期刊 International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) 邀请,河南大学孙旭武教授、李伟强教授和 Functional & Integrative Genomics 杂志主编 Hikmet Budak 教授共同作为客座主编,特组织一期“Single Cell Multiomics in Plants”特刊。



Special Issue "Single Cell Multiomics in Plants"

A special issue of International Journal of Molecular Sciences (ISSN 1422-0067). This special issue belongs to the section "Molecular Plant Sciences".

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 25 March 2022.

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

A multicellular organism is essentially an interaction network composed of different cell types. In recent years, rapid development of single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq) technology and spatial transcriptomics (ST) technology has provided us with unparalleled insights and opportunities to analyze the deep operation mechanisms of this network. In addition to the spatial transcriptome, spatial metabolomics (SM), which has been developed based on mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) in recent years, provided us with rich research means to solve biological problems at a new omics level. ST and SM technology have been widely used in studies of medicine, pharmacy, animal developmental biology, plant developmental biology, etc.

This Special Issue focuses on Single cell Multiomics in Plants. The scope of this Special Issue includes:

(1) Single cell multiomics studies on the growth and development of plant specific tissues and organs (seeds, roots, stems, leaves, flowers, embryos, or fruits);

(2) Single cell multiomics studies on plant specific tissues and organs’ (seeds, roots, stems, leaves, flowers, or embryos) responses to biotic and abiotic stresses;

(3) Single cell multiomics studies on the dynamic regulation of plant meristems’ (apical, lateral, and intercalary meristems and callus) growth and development;

(4) Single cell multiomics studies on plant meristems’ (sapical, lateral, and intercalary meristems and callus) responses to biotic and abiotic stresses;

(5) Contributions on single cell and multiomics research related to crops, model plants, moss, lichen, algae, etc.

Prof. Dr. Xuwu SunProf. Dr. Weiqiang LiProf. Dr. Hikmet BudakGuest Editors


单细胞组学技术正在引领新一轮全球生命科学研究变革浪潮,生命科学研究即将全面进入单细胞时代。随着单细胞技术的成熟与发展,欧易生物迅速布局单细胞方向――2017年开启低通量单细胞服务;2018年引进10x Genomics高通量单细胞平台;2019年首篇客户文章发表于Immunity(IF 22.553);2020年成立单细胞事业部,整合公司资源,聚焦单细胞方向;2021年在北京、广州和成都等地成立多家联合实验室,并获得10x Genomics官方CSP单细胞和空间双认证。



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