【在线讲座】拉曼光谱、SERS和TERS在MXenes 材料研究中的应用 | 9月23日

2021-09-22 22:41:29, HORIBA HORIBA科学仪器事业部

自 2011 年发现 Ti3C以来,二维过渡金属碳化物、碳氮化物和氮化物(统称MXenes)家族迅速扩展。MXenes 的多功能化学特性可应用在多个领域,包括能量存储、电磁干扰屏蔽、复合材料增强、水净化、气体和生物传感器、润滑以及光、电和化学催化等。拉曼光谱作为常用的材料表征技术,在MXenes 的研发和表征具有什么优势?又存在什么样的困难呢?这些问题你将在本次讲座中找到答案!

北京时间9月23日2:00 – 4:00AM,HORIBA将举办主题为拉曼光谱,SERS和TERS在MXenes材料研究中的应用(Raman Spectroscopy, SERS and TERS: Exploration of Mxenes)专题讲座。本次讲座邀请到两位MXenes 领域的世界领先专家和一位HORIBA 二维材料TERS 表征专家,3位专家将为我们带来拉曼光谱、SERS和TERS在MXenes 材料表征中的最新技术和前沿应用。

/ 关于本次网络研讨会 /


Raman Spectroscopy, SERS and TERS: Exploration of Mxenes

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2:00 AM - 4:00 AM(北京时间)

/ 演讲嘉宾 /

Yury Gogotsi, PhD

A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Inst. and Department of Materials

Science and Engineering,

Drexel University

Dr. Yury Gogotsi will present ''The Family of 2D Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes)'' and discuss how the compositional diversity in this novel class of materials leads to a variety of attractive electronic, optical, chemical, and mechanical properties. Challenges and advances of Raman characterization of MXenes will also be discussed in relation to the fundamental understanding and controlled tuning of their properties.

/ 演讲嘉宾 /

Asia Sarycheva, PhD

Post-doctoral fellow

Lawrence Berkeley

National Lab

Dr. Asia Sarycheva will present ''Raman spectroscopy of 2D transition metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes),'' and discuss the first systematic study of Raman spectra of various stoichiometric MXenes and their solid solutions, including the effects of their physical state, composition, surface chemistry, and flake stacking on the vibrational modes. She will show how they have used the knowledge for the quality analysis and in-situ experiments, such as Raman electrochemistry and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). 

/ 演讲嘉宾 /

Andrey Krayev

AFM and AFM-Raman

Product Manager - USA

HORIBA Scientific

Andrey Krayev will discuss ''Comprehensive Nanoscale Imaging of MXenes using AFM and TERS.'' He will demonstrate how topography, surface potential and capacitance information provided by AFM allows observation of nanoscale defects, such as wrinkles and folds, in few-layer MXene sheets or formation of oxides along the edges of the aging sheets. He will also demonstrate how the nanoscale spatial resolution provided by TERS can differentiate the spectral response from said defects and unperturbed areas of MXene crystals.






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