I am Bruker! May Chu | 笑容

2023-03-28 15:38:36 布鲁克衍射荧光事业部

嗨,我叫May Chu,生于马来西亚,后来搬到新加坡,开启了我的会计生涯。2020年2月起,我在德国卡尔斯鲁厄担任布鲁克AXS卓越中心的负责人。

Hi! My name is May Chu. I was born in Malaysia and moved to Singapore to start my accountancy career. Since February 2020, I’ve been working for Bruker AXS as Head of the Center of Excellence based in Karlsruhe, Germany.
I like to start my day with a Beaming smile when I step into the office 😊. I greet everyone in the morning and begin my journey in an energetic and positive mood! I have several colleagues from Poland, Malaysia, and Germany reporting to me. Different cultures, different personalities, and everyday challenges are much easier to deal with in this happy mood.
I love working in such an enriching and fertile atmosphere. I strive to ensure that my many years of knowledge and experience, particularly in change management, contribute to Bruker’s productivity and efficiency.
Since young, I’ve lived in a multiracial society and I think this helped to shape me as a person. Traveling around the world in a Beaming mood, I easily adapt and I’m always ready for change. I am Beaming! I am Bruker.

欢迎联系我!快来关注https://www.linkedin.com/company/bruker-axs/,在下周五认识一下我的同事 Marcin Moszczynski 吧!


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