I am Bruker! Marcin Moszczynski |平衡

2023-03-28 15:38:36 布鲁克衍射荧光事业部

大家好,我是Marcin Moszczynski,来自波兰,现任布鲁克AXS技术支持主管。平衡,贯穿着这份工作的始终,而它的要诀就是经验。经验可以塑造出更丰富的个性,将学习和理解与某种并不常见的“世故”结合起来。在我的职业生涯中,我大部分时间都在担任现场服务工程师,需要到世界各地出差。这使我成为了一个善于平衡的人,几乎可以在任何情况下茁壮成长。我可以客观思考,并接受各种想法。这种不论在何种情况下,都能适应、改变和改进的能力,非常可贵。这些年,我了解到,并非所有事情都能按部就班。只有忍耐才是解药。……还有平衡!为布鲁克这样的全球性公司效力,使我几乎每周都能遇到来自不同背景的新朋友。我是布鲁克培训学院团队的一员,负责教导新一批服务工程师和技术人员如何照料布鲁克AXS衍射仪。同时,我还喜欢与亲朋好友一起消磨时间,在房子和花园周围工作、修理修理东西……我善于平衡,我是布鲁克人。

Hello! My name is Marcin Moszczynski, from Poland and I work at Bruker AXS as a Technical Support Supervisor. It is all about balance and the key is experience. Experience builds a richer personality, combining learning and understanding with a certain “worldliness” that is not all that common. I have been a Field Service Engineer for most of my career, traveling worldwide. It made me a well-balanced person who can thrive in almost every situation. I can think objectively and be open to different ideas. This ability to adapt, change and improve regardless of the context is priceless and allows me to react correctly to different situations. Over the years, I have learned that not everything will always go according to plan. Only patience can save us. And Balance! Working for a worldwide company like Bruker allows me to meet new people from different backgrounds almost every week. I am part of the Bruker Training Academy team, teaching a new wave of service engineers and technicians how to look after Bruker AXS diffractometers. At the same time, I love spending time with my family and friends, working around the house and garden repairing everything… I am Balanced. I am Bruker.


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