WPS 5th Webinar | Cancer Cell | proteomics of 949 cancer cells

2022-11-08 17:59:43, 西湖欧米wOmics 西湖欧米(杭州)生物科技有限公司

由西湖大学、西湖实验室、Guomics, iMarker Lab, HPP2.0 PDPM, 携手西湖欧米,举办 “Westlake Proteomics Series” 研讨会,系列研讨会由SCIEX协办。

第5期预告 Pan-cancer proteomic map of 949 human cell lines 

本期研讨会邀请了儿童医学研究所癌症数据科学负责人、悉尼大学联合高级讲师Dr. Qing Zhong ,马来西亚国立大学医学分子生物学研究院副教授、高级研究员Teck Yew Low上海交通大学长聘教轨副教授、课题组组长、博士生导师邵文广西湖大学特聘研究员郭天南博士和西湖大学博士钱鎏佳探索蛋白质组学技术在癌症研究中的应用。
Gonçalves E, Poulos RC, Cai Z, Barthorpe S, Manda SS, Lucas N, Beck A, Bucio-Noble D, Dausmann M, Hall C, Hecker M, Koh J, Lightfoot H, Mahboob S, Mali I, Morris J, Richardson L, Seneviratne AJ, Shepherd R, Sykes E, Thomas F, Valentini S, Williams SG, Wu Y, Xavier D, MacKenzie KL, Hains PG, Tully B, Robinson PJ, Zhong Q, Garnett MJ, Reddel RR. Pan-cancer proteomic map of 949 human cell lines. Cancer Cell. 2022 Aug 8;40(8):835-849.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2022.06.010. Epub 2022 Jul 14. PMID: 35839778; PMCID: PMC9387775.


The proteome provides unique insights into disease biology beyond the genome and transcriptome. A lack of large proteomic datasets has restricted the identification of new cancer biomarkers. Here, proteomes of 949 cancer cell lines across 28 tissue types are analyzed by mass spectrometry. Deploying a workflow to quantify 8,498 proteins, these data capture evidence of cell-type and post-transcriptional modifications. Integrating multi-omics, drug response, and CRISPR-Cas9 gene essentiality screens with a deep learning-based pipeline reveals thousands of protein biomarkers of cancer vulnerabilities that are not significant at the transcript level. The power of the proteome to predict drug response is very similar to that of the transcriptome. Further, random downsampling to only 1,500 proteins has limited impact on predictive power, consistent with protein networks being highly connected and co-regulated. This pan-cancer proteomic map (ProCan-DepMapSanger) is a comprehensive resource available at https://cellmodelpassports.sanger.ac.uk.

Short bio

Dr Zhong is a data scientist with background in computer science, applied statistics and cancer biology. He completed his undergraduate study in computer science and obtained a Doctor of Sciences degree in biochemistry and computer science at ETHZ (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich) in Switzerland. In 2017, he was recruited as the group leader for Cancer Data Science at Children’s Medical Research Institute and was subsequently appointed as a conjoint senior lecturer at the University of Sydney. 

His group aims to collate and mine big biomedical data to achieve the goals of personalised medicine with a focus of developing data-driven computational tools and sophisticated machine learning algorithms to predict the most effective cancer treatments for individual patients. Other major research areas include proteogenomic data mining, genome-proteome association analysis, and multi-omics data integration for large-scale cancer cohorts.


2022年9月14日 7:00-8:00 PM


第四期 Westlake Proteomics 研讨会的参与嘉宾有Ruedi AebersoldBen CollinsMoritz Heusel郭天南刘志伟吕梦葛岳靓,会议共同探讨了蛋白质复合物的技术研究。

第三期 Westlake Proteomics 研讨会的报告嘉宾是新加坡陈笃生医院头颈外科、耳鼻喉科副主治医师、新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学临床讲师Li Hao新加坡南洋理工大学生物数据科学和教育 (BDSE) 实验室创始人Goh Wen Bin (Wilson),参与讨论的嘉宾有原新加坡国家癌症中心医学部主任、MBBS皇家医师协会成员(内科)Oi Lian Kon 教授、西湖大学特聘研究员郭天南博士和西湖大学博士生张芳菲,会议共同探讨了蛋白质组学技术在甲状腺疾病诊断和治疗中的应用。

第二期 Westlake Proteomics 研讨会的报告嘉宾是世卫组织WHO内分泌器官肿瘤分类甲状腺部分作者觉道健一 (Kennichi Kakudo) 教授和西湖大学博士后孙耀庭博士,参与讨论的嘉宾有上海市第六人民医院病理科主任/学科带头人刘志艳主任,原新加坡国家癌症中心医学部主任、MBBS皇家医师协会成员(内科)Oi Lian Kon 教授和西湖大学特聘研究员郭天南博士,会议共同探讨了蛋白质组学技术在甲状腺疾病诊断和治疗中的应用。

第一期 Westlake Proteomics 研讨会的报告嘉宾是来自德国法兰克福大学医院Dr. Senckenberg 病理研究院院长Peter Wild 教授和德国法兰克福大学医院胃肠科主任医师 Christine Koch。参与本次圆桌讨论的嘉宾有来自原新加坡国家癌症中心医学部主任、MBBS皇家医师协会成员(内科)Oi Lian Kon 教授,西湖大学特聘研究员郭天南博士和西湖大学博士后孙耀庭博士。共同探讨了蛋白质组学及多组学分子诊断在疾病诊疗中的应用现状和未来。

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