大咖分享 | 克服样本鉴定及质控难点,夯实生物样本库建设基础

2022-10-25 11:54:03, SBI 思百拓(上海)仪器科技有限公司

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北京时间 2022年10月27日晚10时,Standard BioTools将与中东及非洲生物样本库协会(ESBB)联合举办在线讲座。我们很高兴邀请到印第安纳大学遗传及生物样本库鉴定实验室主管Michael A. Denton作为本次讲座的演讲嘉宾。


Michael 将为与会者分享讨论如何通过高性价比且可扩展的DNA指纹图谱方法过滤有问题的样本,该方法旨在鉴定样本身份和质量,并对加入和预分发样本之间的一致性做出评估。






"IUGB started as a National Institute on Aging funded central repository for dementia-related research in 1990 and has expanded over the years to include additional biorepositories and biospecimens, with over three million specimens cataloged to date. IUGB has been performing molecular-based sample ID tracking and DNA integrity quality control since 2018 and has incorporated them into its standard workflows for both incoming and distributable samples."

Michael A. Denton


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