【直播】【睿涉者·前沿科学论坛-大师讲】Markus Raschke教授:超快纳米成像解析低维材料结构、耦合和动力学的奇异现象

2022-09-22 18:59:13 QUANTUM量子科学仪器贸易(北京)有限公司

Quantum Design China

睿涉者 · 前沿科学论坛是由蔻享学术平台和Quantum Design中国联合发起的公益性前沿学术论坛,内容涉及超导、量子光学、纳米材料、低温及磁学、化学等相关领域。睿涉者,谐音Researcher,中文寓意为在科学探索路上跋涉的睿者。睿涉者 · 前沿科学论坛旨在凝聚集体智慧,在新的形势下提升我国科学知识传播,为前沿科学创新和服务国家重大需求贡献力量。我们将秉承“源于科学,致力科学”的理念,致力于服务科学、传播科学、共享科学的宗旨,为国内外广大科研工作者提供高品质、以前沿科学技术为核心的系列直播课程及学术报告和交流平台。同时,本论坛也特别成立了专家委员会,由国内顶尖的科研院所专家组成,每一期将由委员会组织邀请领域内专家讲解最新实验技术、研究成果,与广大研究人员共同探索前沿科学。

2021年睿涉者.前沿科学论坛成功举办后在学术界反响强烈,备受好评,2022年蔻享学术平台与Quantum Design中国升级合作,携手共同举办“睿涉者.前沿科学论坛-大师讲”,邀请国内外顶级专家分享最新的科研创新进展、研究成果等,增进海内外学者之间的学术交流,拓宽学术视野,为广大科研工作者带来一场高水平的学术盛宴。

Ultrafast nano-imaging resolving structure, coupling, and dynamics of matter on its natural length and time scales


Markus Raschke




In this webinar, I will discuss our recent progress in the area of nanoscale light manipulation and imaging using strongly coupled light-matter oscillations in van der Waals materials and engineered materials made of these constituents. I discuss the opportunities to control and tailor photons at the nanoscale as they interact with phonon resonances in the mid-infrared range or exciton resonances in the visible. During the presentation, I will discuss the unusual phenomena supported by these structures, and their opportunities for nano-imaging and information transport.


Markus Raschke

the University of Colorado at Boulder

Markus Raschke is a professor at the Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, and JILA at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The research in his group is on the development of new nano-scale nonlinear and ultrafast spectroscopy techniques to control the light-matter interaction on the nanoscale and image domain order correlated matter. He received his PhD in 2000 from the Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and the Technical University in Munich, Germany. Following research appointments at the University of California at Berkeley, and the Max-Born-Institute in Berlin, he became faculty member at the University of Washington, before moving with his group to Boulder in 2010.

Prof. Markus Raschke published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles (among others in Science and Nature) focused on experimental nonlinear and ultrafast nano-optics. Spatio-temporal optical control, optical antennas, surface plasmon and phonon polaritons, extreme nonlinear optics, strong light matter interaction.


- 2018 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Tongji University, Shanghai

- 2015 Klaus Halbach Award, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

- 2012 Visiting Professor, Abbe School of Photonics, Jena

- 2008 National Science Foundation CAREER Award 

- 1999 Otto-Hahn-Medal of the Max-Planck-Society, Award 



Quantum Design,源于科学,致力科学!


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