
Application of Multivariate Curve Resolution Method in the Quantitative Monitoring Transformation of Salvianolic Acid A Using Online UV Spectroscopy and Mass Spectroscopy

领域:细胞生物学,微生物,生理生态,分子生物学,蛋白/抗体/蛋白质组,基因/基因组/测序,多组学/蛋白质组/代谢组/脂质组,其他生命科学,粮油及淀粉豆制品等制品,动物性食品及其制品,蔬菜/水果/蜜饯/酱腌菜等制品,饮用水及饮料,酒类,茶叶及制品,蜂产品,特殊食品,其他食品,食品有机污染物,重金属,环境水/废水/饮用水,空气/废气,土壤,固体废物/辐射/噪声/振动,二噁英/POPs,煤炭,其它,原料药/中间体,化学药,中药/天然产物,生物制药/仿制药,药品包装材料/辅料,兽用药,化妆品,药物代谢,其他,原油,汽油/柴油/重油,可再生生物油,橡胶,塑料,纤维,涂料,化工试剂/助剂,日用化学品,农药,地矿/钢铁/有色金属,电子/电器/半导体,建材/家具,纺织/印染/服装/皮革,汽车/铁路/船舶/交通,航空/航天,机械设备,纳米材料,高分子材料,生物质材料,法医,临床生物化学/分子生物学,临床微生物学,临床免疫学,临床血液与检验学,分子诊断和芯片,转化医学,手持/便携设备,试纸/试剂盒,烟草,乳制品和蛋制品,保健品,调味品,烘培糕点/饼干/膨化/方便食品,罐头冷冻速冻类食品,糖果果冻巧克力可可咖啡类,婴幼儿及其他配方谷粉产品,炒货食品及坚果制品类,水产加工品,微生物和致病菌,饲料    样品:the transformation process of salvianolic acid A (SAA)     项目:the transformation process of salvianolic acid A (SAA)     参考: the transformation process of salvianolic acid A (SAA)    

  ABSTRACT: This work presents an exploratory study of monitoring the transformation process of salvianolic acid A (SAA) using an online UV spectroscopic analysis system. A chemometrics approach, based on multivariate curve resolution of spectrophotometric matrix, was applied to resolve the concentration and spectra profiles of reactant species and to evaluate the kinetic profile. Kinetic runs have been developed at temperatures ranging from 25 to 90 °C and pH values ranging from 2.5 to 10 in order to investigate the effects of these two variables during the transformation process of SAA. The degradation reaction of SAA was considered as first-order and the degradation kinetic constant of SAA increases when temperature increases. It was also found that SAA transforms rapidly when pH is higher than 7, but remains stable when pH is lower than 6.5. Two transformation products were auxiliarily identified by direct mass spectrometric analysis using Mass Work software. Our results suggest that the manufacturing process of Chinese medicine preparations with SAA as the main bioactive compound should not be operated at high temperature and high pH.

