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参考报价: 面议 型号: BR-PV-UV
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可以做哪些实验,检测什么? 可以用哪些耗材和试剂?
执行IEC 61215-2005 & Ed.3、IEC 61646-2008、IEC 61345-1998等光伏组件紫外预处理试验标准,广泛用于光伏组件及材料耐紫外线试验...
2. 工控触摸屏+PLC可编程控制器控制,或微机(上位机)控制,Windows XP操作平台。
3. 自动监控辐照度的均匀性,超出±15%自动停机。
4. 特别设计的风道循环系统,确保负载时试验温度60℃±5℃标准要求。
5. 采用原装进口荧光紫外灯管,满足不同标准试验条件。
6. 光辐照度连续可调、可控,确保辐照度精度±15%标准要求
7. 测量范围:280~320nm及280~385/400nm
8. 测试面上组件接受的zei小辐射量为:紫外光源在280nm~385/400nm的范围内15KW·H/m2
9. 全程扫描功能:光电传感器全程扫描,自动监控辐照度及均匀度
10. 数据及曲线存储、打印功能....
11. 相关测试:EVA交联度、剥离强度、透光率...

BR-PV-UV-Preconditioning (UV resistance) Tester
 BR-PV-UV UV Preconditioning Testing Chamber
Implementation of standards: IEC 61215:2005 & Ed.3, IEC 61646:2008, IEC 61345:1998

Standard UVB of UVA+B UVB UVA+B
IEC 61345:1998 1/2 7.5KW·h/m2 15KW·h/m2
IEC 61215:2005 ≥1/3 ≥5KW·h/m2 15KW·h/m2
IEC 61646:2008 3~10% 0.45~1.5KW·h/m2 15KW·h/m2
IEC 61215 Ed.3 at least 3~10% at least 0.45~1.5KW·h/m2 15KW·h/m2
System integration many technical highlights, such as centralized control, automatic dimming, servo drive, full panoramic scanning, automatic monitoring irradiation uniformity, database system etc.
With touch control screen, full automatic, high precision system loop (lateral and longitudinal drive), Any mechanical action, by PLC locking. Including radiation probe Automatic full panoramic scanning, irradiance automatic integration, data acquisition and storage, automatic storage scanning data etc.
Irradiation uniformity: better than ±15%
A calibrated UV irradiation sensor (NIST trace to the source), mounted on the transmission shaft, for IEC 61215:2005 and IEC 61646:2008 to 280~385nm and 280~400nm irradiation measurement.
280~320nm to total UV ratio measured by spectrometer.
A special guide rail, can easily push and pull module.
Uniform temperature distribution, maintaining the module temperature at 60°C±5°C.
Ultraviolet fluorescent lamps are cold light source without lower than 280nm UVC irradiation, to avoid the photochemical reaction of ozone synthesis, is important test conditions for IEC standard.
UVB and UVA ultraviolet fluorescent lamps, respectively for 280~385nm and 280~400nm test.
The lamps distance adjustable, asymmetric arrangement, easy to adjust the irradiation uniformity.



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