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TAM Air热活性微量热仪 美国TA仪器 适用于电解液稳定性

参考报价: 面议 型号: TAM Air
品牌: TA仪器 产地: 美国
关注度: 266 信息完整度:
样本: 典型用户: 暂无
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美国TA仪器DSC/DTATAM Air适用于电解液稳定性项目,参考多项行业标准P. R. Stevenson Venture Technolgy Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England.。可以检测锂电池或二氧化锰电池等样品。可应用于电子/半导体行业领域。

Microcalorimetry has been successfully applied to the study of electrochemical components and structural materials during the design and development of new batteries. The Ampoule form of the Microcalorimeter is ideally suited to the examination of the electrochemical materials in forms such as pastes, liquids, powders or even the entire battery. The method is non-destructive, Analysis of the activity of the components is fast; for example, a reaction normally taking several weeks or months can be observed within a few hours when using this technique. The variable full-scale readout range of the instrument ensures a sensitive measurement of the activity of a wide range of samples


测定水泥和混凝土的水化热是非常重要的。传统方法一般是藉由测量溶解热来测定水化热(ASTM C186)。但是近年来,采用TAM Air进行等温量热测试日益受到青睐,因为这种方法不仅能够准确可靠地测量水化热(ASTM C1702),同时还能预测多种水泥混合料的固化行为。TAM Air测试的样品通常为浆状样品,它可连续跟踪水泥在一段时间内的水化过程;除水泥测试外,砂浆或混凝土最终混合料的测试也同样非常重要,因为测试最终混合料有助于监测材料间的相容性。即使是相同的水泥,在水泥浆和混凝土混合料中的混合效果也不尽相同,因为聚集物会导致剪切力增大。

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