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分析测试百科网 > 伯乐 > 新闻动态 > Bio-Rad发布KnowItAll®光谱软件9.5版和新的光谱数据库


发布时间: 2012-08-06 11:27 来源:伯乐生命医学产品(上海)有限公司信息部


KnowItAll 9.5版本新增下列功能:

光谱搜索 —— 改进多种分析技术同时检索结果展示;用户可选择查看详细的检索参数,这一参数可以被包含在报告中。

混合物分析 —— 提供多种光谱对比的算法。用户可自定未知物中含有(或不包含)的物质,从而提高检索结果的可靠性。


· 在HaveItAll® IR中添加新的光谱数据,整个集合拥有超过225,000张红外光谱图。

· 在HaveItAll Raman中添加新的光谱数据,整个集合拥有超过6,700张拉曼谱图。

· Bio-Rad在HaveItAll NMR谱图集中增加了70,000张谱图,使得这个集合拥有的核磁共振谱图超过560,000张。

· 在HaveItAll XNMR谱图集中增加了超过19,000张谱图,使得这个集合拥有的XNMR谱图达到90,000张。



Bio-Rad Releases Version 9.5 of Its KnowItAll® Spectroscopy Software and New Spectral Databases

Bio-Rad"s KnowItAll Informatics System is a fully integrated spectroscopy software package that provides tools for spectral search, analysis, database building and management, structure drawing, and reporting with solutions for Infrared (IR), Raman, Near IR (NIR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Mass Spectrometry (MS), and Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis).

The KnowItAll 9.5 release includes the following enhancements:

· Spectral Search - now offers enhanced ability to visualize results from simultaneous searches from multiple analytical techniques and the option to view even more detailed search parameters and include in reports

· Mixture Analysis - now offers a choice of algorithm and the ability to include/exclude known components to improve results

Bio-Rad also offers access to one of the world"s largest spectral reference collections containing over 1.4 million spectra of pure organic and commercial compounds. Researchers rely on these collections to determine chemical composition of samples by comparing them to the reference spectra. With this latest release, Bio-Rad offers several new spectral database options and has enhanced several others.

· New databases added to HaveItAll® IR bringing this collection to over 225,000 infrared spectra.

· New databases added to HaveItAll Raman bringing this collection to over 6,700 spectra.

· Bio-Rad added over 70,000 spectra added to HaveItAll NMR bringing this collection to over 560,000 spectra.

· Over 19,000 spectra added to HaveItAll XNMR bringing this collection to over 90,000 spectra.

View more information on Bio-Rad’s spectroscopy solutions, including a full list of spectral databases at www.knowitall.com/chinese

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