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MALDI质谱 MALDI-TOF质谱仪microflex LRF High-speed MALDI-TOF/TOF imaging of mouse brain tissue performed on intact proteins and after on-tissue digestion
参考报价: 面议 型号: microflex LRF
品牌: 布鲁克 产地: 美国
关注度: 67 信息完整度:
样本: 典型用户: 暂无
咨询留言 在线咨询


布鲁克MALDI质谱microflex LRF用于测定组织,符合行业标准--。适用成像项目。

The unique flexibility of MALDI-TOF/TOF systems facilitates tissue imaging of intact proteins as well as of tryptic peptides resulting from on-tissue digestion. While intact protein imaging can provide information on the diversity of proteoforms, the on-tissue digestion approach benefits from significantly higher mass resolution and accuracy that can be achieved for tryptic peptides in reflector operation mode as well as from additional specificity provided by MS/MS analysis.

  microflex LRF


  利用所配备无网格反射器,microflex LRF出众的分辨率、卓越的质量精度和显著的灵敏度,是市场上同类仪器不可比拟的。

  microflex LRF系统

  microflex LRF是基于布鲁克·道尔顿公司长期积累的经验而打造的高性能质谱仪。独特的microScout离子源设计和无网格反射管赋予microflex 杰出的分辨率、优异的质量准确度和出色的灵敏度。

  microflex LRF 不仅在性能方面,还在坚固耐用和易用方面代表了台式MALDI仪器的标尺。出众的系统性能赋予其很宽的检测范围,适用于小分子化合物、聚合物、蛋白质和多肽分析。

MALDI质谱 MALDI-TOF质谱仪microflex LRF High-speed MALDI-TOF/TOF imaging of mouse brain tissue performed on intact proteins and after on-tissue digestion信息由布鲁克(北京)科技有限公司-质谱仪器 为您提供,如您想了解更多关于MALDI质谱 MALDI-TOF质谱仪microflex LRF High-speed MALDI-TOF/TOF imaging of mouse brain tissue performed on intact proteins and after on-tissue digestion报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


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